West Supports Stonewall UK Rainbow Laces Campaign – West Didsbury & Chorlton AFC

West Supports Stonewall UK Rainbow Laces Campaign

For the four straight season West Didsbury & Chorlton are proud to show their support to Stonewall UK’s national campaign to show that gay, lesbian, bi and trans (LGBT} people are welcome at every level of sport.


Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces campaign will see thousands of people, from fans to players, put on Rainbow Laces from November 24th to December 3rd to show that sport is everyone’s game and to ensure LGBT people feel welcome and included. To date more than 100,000 people have bought rainbow laces to show their support.


Research shows that 72% of people have heard homophobic abuse at football as homophobia, biphobia and transphobia remain a problem at all levels of sport.


Stonewall UK say; “We know most fans welcome and accept LGBT people in sport. However, recent research shows that half of all fans have heard offensive remarks about lesbian, gay, bi and trans people in the last five years.


We can’t let the minority of fans spoil the game and make LGBT fans feel unwelcome watching or playing football.  By supporting Rainbow Laces we are stepping up to show that offensive chants, language and behaviour have no place in our game.


Stonewall’s Rainbow Laces campaign is supported by TeamPride, a group of global organisations committed to LGBT equality.”


To support this West’s social media profile pictures have been updated with the rainbow colours to show their support for the campaign.


You can read more by visiting Stonewall UK’s website by clicking HERE