PODCAST | Co-Chair Steve Eckersley talks to NWCFL ahead of the season – West Didsbury & Chorlton AFC

PODCAST | Co-Chair Steve Eckersley talks to NWCFL ahead of the season

Ahead of the season, the NWCFL website has been conducting interviews with managers and chairmen from across the league – and they’ve graciously allowed us to use the audio recorded from their chat with our own co-chair Steve Eckersley.

“Yes, I’ve been doing it a couple of months”, Eckersley said. “I’m doing it alongside Rob McKay. I’ve been at the club for just around nine years and Rob’s been here probably around half that time. It is quite a unique approach that we’ve decided to take but we did that for a number of reasons. Firstly because of our ambitious ground and club development plans we have, plus we’re looking to re-organise and restructure our operating model. The brief does lend itself to two people. Whereas Rob’s got lots of youth, energy and passion, I’ve got passion, energy and experience. So far, it’s been a good combination.”

Read the full article here – which includes a chat with Brad Cooke – or listen to Steve Eckersley’s chat with the league below, or through your favourite podcast player: simply search for West Didsbury & Chorlton. Thanks to Craig for conducting the interview, and for allowing us use of the audio.