Magpies Hit Top Spot – West Didsbury & Chorlton AFC

Magpies Hit Top Spot

Words by Katie & Nick Syrett:

As Magpies hit footballing headlines on all the back pages, so do the current crop of teenage Chorltonites. The team has battled admirably for the past 3 seasons. Staving off relegation for 2 and succumbing to the 3rd threat in a row. Marginally too good to go down is great for Premier league riches, but not a happy place in the Timperley and District league during a pandemic.

Plumage restored and chests puffed out, the Magpies sit at the top of the Div 4 table with a 100% record, banging in nearly 50 goals. Weirdly, our kit Sponsor OpenMoney also sponsors Bury AFC who equally top their more illustrious NWC North table. Perhaps this is a good time to get their expert, Online financial advice as they seem to make astute decisions.. If only their pulling power could find us a goal keeper! Some slapstick goalkeeping and madcap defending is certainly keeping our fans entertained this season (Any Year 10/11 wannabe keepers, apply forthwith please!)

*We’ve just recruited a UCFB trainee coach who happens to be a defender, so hopefully the life and times of the 2 managers (see Lightning Seeds style photo) will see less grey appear before the season is out.