Wintry Wildcats!

Wintry Wildcats!

Wintry Wildcats!

13 Dec 2020

Today the Wildacts stepped out onto Chorlton Park when we had a lovely little break in the weather, but that didn’t last.

We had another fantastic turn out and our numbers are still growing. So much so, that we have made the decision to split the girls into two similar age groups, 5-6 and 7-8. This worked a treat and all of our Wildcats were challenged and received a more personal coaching session.

Our younger girls took park in a session that was solely based around small games. We used games they would know from the playground and made slight adjustments to the rules to include a football. This gave them confidence to give it their all. These games help to develop their skills as a player by introducing them to competitive play, speed changes, direction changes and invasion play. There was sometimes an activity that will look like chaos to an untrained eye, but from a coaches perspective, these activities help them with their awareness and control.

The older girls were challenged with some ball control slaloms, getting up to speed whilst dribbling a ball, tactical decision making and direction changes. All of this done again through basic game playing. We played a tactical version of piggy in the middle, followed by some team work races, which needed tactical decision making and speed as they had to race to either collect or distribute balls and equipment in different areas of the field of play. They rose to the challenges and really showed their determination and perseverance.

The girls all ended the session together with a game of football fruit salad!

All of this was done in sideways, icy rain and not one of the girls complained about it, we could not be more proud of them as a group and we are looking forward to our final session before we break for Christmas next week.