Manager's Notes: vs Squires Gate, Saturday 11 August

Manager's Notes: vs Squires Gate, Saturday 11 August

8 Oct 2018

Manager's Notes: vs Squires Gate, Saturday 11 August

Notes taken from the programme for our FA Cup fixture against Squires Gate - read our match preview here. Programme available on the gate, priced £2. With Steve Settle recently away, assistant Steve Brockley filed a view from the dugout for the match.

Today we welcome all the fans, officials, managers and players from Squires Gate to Brookburn Road for the FA Cup. The FA Cup is an opportunity for both teams to put the league behind them and go and dream of that fairy tale tie.
I have not written these notes for Steve for a while so I would firstly like to take the opportunity to thank the committee at WD&CFC for all their help and support over the last 6 months, your hard work and time volunteering is appreciated by the players and management team. The development of the infrastructure of the club with the establishment of a Women’s section, the junior teams/pitches with the new college links, the investment in the pitch and future developments at Brookburn Rd show that we are a club which is run the right way.
The fans have been fantastic and had a large impact on the team at the end of the season inspiring the boys to win 10/12 matches.
Non league players want to come to WD&CFC and play in front of you which is a credit to your passion for the team.
Personally, I have never been a fan of pre-season and I was glad to see the back of this years. At the end of the season we set our sights on bringing 3-4 lads to the group who consistently played 30-40 matches a season to strengthen us and compete at the top of the league, we then unfortunately lost Ash, Azza, Matty Kay and finally Ben Steer with several players at weddings, holidays and Lanre working Saturdays the team has been chopped and changed throughout preseason and we have already had to make several changes in the first 2 league games with several dual registration players brought in.
I want to make it clear to everyone at the club that this will not continue. It is apparent from speaking to the committee and some fans that what they want is a team that the WD&CFC community can get behind, a team they recognise, can create and sing songs about, a team competing in all competitions, a team they can be proud of, a team that has pace, plays good football and scores goals and most important for me a team the many young kids that come can want to play for.
Saturdays result flattered our opponents who had 1 shot and 2 headers in the first half on Saturday and found themselves 2-1 up. We scored a scrappy goal to equalise but the great strike from Camozzi and defensive error only 5 mins after we equalised finished off the game. With a lack of attacking options of the bench we couldn’t get into the match. Tuesdays result could prove to be a vital point. Not many teams will go to Hanley and leave with anything and it’s certainly an improvement on last year’s result. With several injuries obtained we showed great character to keep them from scoring and almost took all 3 points in the end.
I would like to finish by wishing everyone at the club a successful season, the journey over the last 3 years has been amazing so far, and with all the club pulling in the same direction together we will continue to grow and improve.