Juniors changing rooms broken into

Juniors changing rooms broken into

Juniors changing rooms broken into

Juniors changing rooms broken into

Last night it was discovered that there had been a break in to our junior changing rooms on Hardy Farm. While this is not the first such instance of someone attempting to gain access, the extent of the damage done is beyond anything that we have seen in the past. As illustrated in the photographs below, every window has been smashed, and the changing rooms as they are are currently unusable for our junior teams.

At West, we are a community orientated club with both men's and women's teams, and sides competing at different age groups. Run not-for-profit, and dependent upon the good will and energy of our incredible volunteers, break-ins like this hugely impact the amount of work we can do. This is not only a financial burden for the club, but an emotional and physical one too. While this is something we unavoidably have to accept in this case, in the wider view of things: this could adversely affected the enjoyment and footballing development of our junior sides, and should be seen as a needless attack upon a community organisation.

If you have any information about the break-in, please get in touch.

In the meantime, Junior Chairman Tim Manley has proposed a working party this Saturday to help the club move back towards normality. Details below:

We need to get a group together of as many of us as possible to clear up the changing rooms and tea bar of all the broken glass and if possible to board up the windows.

On Saturday at 2pm please can as many of us as possible:

1. Get down to Hardy Farm for 2pm
2. Bring boxes/newspaper for wrapping the glass/bin bags.
3. Bring any wood or similar that you have got knocking around for boarding the windows
4. Tools that might be useful if we have got wood.

I'm also reporting the new damage to the police.

Also - for all teams - players are only allowed to use Hardy Farm when with their manager for matches or coaching. All other social football should be on Chorlton Park or elsewhere.

I also propose a pint somewhere after for those that can make it.

Photographs below.