Junior Roundup | 9th and 10th March

Junior Roundup | 9th and 10th March

Junior Roundup | 9th and 10th March

Junior Roundup | 9th and 10th March

While our first teams were beaten by the rain, our Junior teams saw the downpour and scoffed - read all about how they got on, collated by the ever excellent Nick Syrett


All eyes were agan on the news feed to see if Hardy farm was playable following the post Freya freek out of last sunday. Despite having to Bog snorkel along the Brook to access Hardy farm on friday afternoon, our cuddly curator carried out the now familiar viking ritual of “Forking off” to test the viability of the playing surface.  Looking like the creature from the deep, the speedo wearing warrior loudly exclaimed that the games were on… Pitch 4 was only fit for more snorkeling practice, but the other 3 should stand up he thought..even if the players couldn’t.

West teams were playing away more than Ken Barlow this weekend, so at least the Farm could earn some relative respite.

U9 Eagles came home to roost..
Europa league (game 4)
Ashton on Mersey panthers (h)
The game was played in  blustery conditions and the goals against blew in just as violently as they went 0-4 down.  Perhaps inspired by events in Paris on Wednesday night, and with a change of ends and wind, the comeback began!! The boys came roaring back and eventually won 7-5
Scorers; jake, Sachs, nico, Fionn, mikki (2), Isaac
PoM: Jake.
The boys displayed a “Fantastic, never say die attitude” -coach Longworth. The Eagles are now second in league with big games coming up. “We have Sylvain at the wheel… ?

U9 Owls
Unicorn Athletic Hawks
LOST 5-0
PoM Luca for a fantastic performance in goal! Great work by everyone, game was competitive right to the end and heads were held high throughout. Not the game the score suggests.

The Under 12's played at home on an oversized pitch (see Bog Snorkeling above) at Hardy Farm. They experienced sleet, rain and bitterly cold wind. They accepted Wilmslows request to start as 11 a side to avoid the subs not shivering on the sideline and we won the first half 2-1. Great all round work ethic all round from the lads/lass. In the second half they switched to 9 a side as the Unicorns had a few damaged horns etc… and what a half!!. West ended up winning the second half 3-1 so 5-2 overall. At 3-2 a dodgy pen awarded against Jess in goal for what looked like winning a block tackle…. bar hit and within 2 minutes another penalty was awarded for bit of a shoulder barge which Jess saved… Spurred on by her heroism, they finished strongly to end  the contest with 2 well taken goals.

Goals 2 Iwan 1 Gabriel Lansley and 2 Jack Hill each in their way emulating the players they picked as role models this week. Erickson, Kane and Whalley… (he plays for Shrewsbury..!) Gabriel Pom for the non stop breaking up of their play. “Ridiculous skills in the mud and loads of through balls. All the team were a credit to the shirt for playing some great football in tough conditions.”

The U13 Magpies had a free fixture week allowing Statto to polish his much loved abacus, your correspondent to attend a “fact finding” focus group and Whacky Aki to sneak off on one of his Naturist weekends.

The U13 Badgers meanwhile were riding the wave of self belief following their cup semi victory last week.  After 13 attempts in the league, it was lucky 13 as they finally triumphed. They took on the overly familiar foes of Wilmslow town lions on a pudding of a  pitch (away). With Austin the star of the show, bagging his first hat trick for West in a 4-2 victory!!
Scorers: Austin (3), kayden
PoM Austin
“The Lads were amazing in awful conditions. Belief and determination was great” - coach Longworth.

U17s played away v Alderley United U18s
“That was an awesome performance, a real team effort. The work rate was the best I have witnessed from them this season.  It's not easy getting this age group to put a shift in…?”. Coach Eamonn.
They Won 6-2 which puts them into 2nd place in the league.

Will this week’s storm Gareth prove to be one downpour too far for Hardy Farm and will the council finally cut Chorlton park… Stay tuned folks.