Junior RoundUp | Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September

Junior RoundUp | Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September

Junior RoundUp | Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September

10 Jan 2019

Junior Round-Up | Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September

Collated by Nick Syrett

Bog snorkelling season came early this weekend as a week of heavy rain cast major doubt over the whole league’s fixtures. The sight of our resident groundsman heading to the Krombacher beer shed at dusk on Friday evening to fetch his winter swamp attire signalled bad news for the Hardy hopefuls. With games dropping off faster than our groundsman's wellies, only a few brave souls took on the elements in testing conditions this weekend.


A trip to Urmston on Saturday, saw our U9 Hawks take on the mighty Urmston Meadowside INFERNO. We were once again down to the bare bones and in monsoon season to boot. Surely the high flying Hawks and wet weather could put out an inferno?

We fell two behind to two lucky strikes from the Inferno but with a Bertie on each wing and Slippery Sam down the middle, it wasn’t long before our slick passing was rewarded. A six-pass move through our focal point big number 9 Noah saw Lucien pull one back followed by a neat finish from Bertie E.

Then a goal to keep the crowd on their feet, a half-volley from Lucien from the centre out to Bertie C who half-volleyed the ball into the box which was half-volleyed into the net by Slippery Sam. Surely goals like that should count double.

Ollie decided he had seen enough of being centre half and pushed up to see a “Hot Shot Hamish” style rocket fly into the corner from outside the box. Lucien’s cross-shot flew in from the wing and we were now 5-2 up from 2-0 down.

A change of formation from Meadowside saw their big lad move upfront and even Joe, our most improved player, found it hard to stop him - his hat-trick saw us back level. Angus back from his face battering of last week was working hard upfront but it was the Slippery one who wriggled through to slot home a winner in the final moments. We didn’t even know he had a left foot.

Mars Bar Man of the Match~: Lucien

Final Score: THE INFERNO 5 -6 Hawks
Goals: Lucien (2) Sam (2) Ollie B, Bertie E

What a win for the U10 Kestrels after a rescheduled match at home to @BCJFC_official
Our U10 Warriors winning 12-2! Goalscorers

7- E.P (8)
10- W.M
15- G.E
4- N.B
14- J.S

U10 Eagles
Development Game
Egerton Lions (a)
Lost 0-4
Kick off was 8.50 ?
The Eagles were a little “bald” with only a squad of 8. They battled well all game and did create a few chances to score. A two goal deficit would have been a fairer reflection. The 4G pitch was good though!

West U12s v Broadheath Central AC Milan
Under 12’s also made the early call to switch from Hardy Farm to the sponge that is Chorlton Park.
After several inspection trips on Saturday and an early visit this morning, we declared the pitch “fit for purpose” and the game was on.
The referee turned up and within 10 seconds of inspecting the pitch, he found a very large puddle which put the game in doubt. Luckily, much like Trigger, Tony had come prepared with his favourite brush and after a lot of effort the puddle was dispersed and the game kicked off.
The boys battled hard against probably the strongest team in our league and a very heavy pitch. We found ourselves 0-2 down at half time. One goal from a back pass that got stuck near said puddle and the other from a 30 yard looping shot which gave our keeper Alfie no chance.
The second half was a similar story of us battling hard and competing well but we went further behind when they reacted quicker from a corner and scored from close range.
A change of formation and instructions to be more direct for the last 15 minutes bought us a well deserved goal from our own hitman George Roskell.
Final score 1-3.
Tempted to say that they were all POTM today but would single out Alfie Horner who’s saves kept us in the game.

U14 WD&C Magpies v Sale Communities Lightening

One of the wettest weeks of the year cast major doubts over the suitability of the name “Hardy Farm” this weekend. With the game switched early on Saturday, keen weather watchers didn't give Chorlton park much of a chance either, but the fairly nuke proof ground soaked up the pressure better than the Magpies managed this Sunday lunch time.

The heavy rain at least held off from the sky in the first half. Instead it was shots and crosses that rained in on our penalty box. It wasn't quite lightening through butter, but their midfield unleashed a bit of a storm on our back four. 0-3 at half time didn't reflect the difference in quality, but did reflect the space and time we offered them.

The predicted deluge duly arrived in the 2nd half. We did make a better fist of things, passing a little better and snuffing out multiple raids on our box. POTM “The Stretford Maldini” Kit Jordan, re-discovered some vintage form to keep the damage down, but we just couldn't get a solid footing in the game-tactically or literally!

The 2nd half went the same way as the first, 0-3. The lads battled valiantly to the end proving themselves Hardier than the farm. But winless and pointless, the placards for the removal of the management team might be out soon.
Final score: Magpies 0- Sale Communities Lightening 6.