Junior RoundUp | Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th April

Junior RoundUp | Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th April

Junior RoundUp | Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th April

14 Apr 2023

Junior Round-Up | Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th April

A truncated fixture list did nothing to stop our collator Nick Syrett, who delivers news of this weekend's youth results in our much loved feature, the West Junior Round-up


With half of Chorlton escaping the urban trappings of modern life and dashing to the countryside to support our homegrown hero in his quest for Euro bog snorkelling glory, fixtures were few and far between this weekend.

Saturday 13th proved unlucky for the plucky Owls as they were downed in the Cup.  The score may suggest that the young hunter gatherers got a bit wobbly v Mobberley, but by all accounts, “Despite the score (2-7),  it was a fantastic performance. Very proud coaches and parents”
Scorer: Blake (2)
PoM: Blake

On Sunday, the U17s pitted their sharpening wits in a game of two halves away at Sale United. The swaggering young men strolled to a comfortable 4-0 half time lead against their 3rd placed rivals only to switch off spectacularly in the second half. With 20 minutes to go they contrived to find themselves bizarrely 5-4 down ……
With the teenage snooze button well and truly silenced, they pulled their skulking attitude together for the last 10 minutes to finish 5-5.  At least they hold on to 2nd spot in the league, but it still felt like a defeat……

News of our cuddly curator’s efforts in the heavily peated bogs of North West Lake District are only just reaching us via carrier pigeon. It seems that a podium finish was achieved, only for the ramshackle stage to collapse under the combined weight of men+peat. It is unknown at this stage which medalling position he achieved. We will keep you up to date with any injury and podium news as we get it..