Junior RoundUp | 26th & 27th October

Junior RoundUp | 26th & 27th October

Junior RoundUp | 26th & 27th October

Junior Round-Up | 26th & 27th October

By Nick Syrett

Something like a month’s rainfall in about 36 hours, meant that only our esteemed curator was preparing his “sports kit” with gusto this weekend. A recent disagreement with the BSA has created a breakaway franchise called “Bogz Snorkelling” Our legendary,  all-conquering groundsman is, of course, the figurehead of the movement. While the flippered splinter group made the most of squelchy conditions and unplayable Hardly farm areas, the rest of us watched as the unrelenting rain put another dampener on yet another weekend as only a few games were possible. 


Under 13's Falcons 4 Timperley Villa 4. 

Goals 3 Kaylum Hepburn plus 1 assist. 1 goal for Sam Maher. 

POM Kaylum for goals and assist but good performances all round. 1 yellow card for Iwan Thomas for (I think)  flicking out in retaliation. Both boys booked for what ref called “handbags” in what was otherwise a very quiet game in terms of behaviour issues. Great to get a game at Hardy Farm considering the 24-hour deluge. We did play full pitch as an inner line not really visible and both teams used the full width of the pitch. Villas keeper made 2 great saves early on and then we failed to clear following a corner and went 1-0 down. But we were soon 2-1 up. A great long-range shot from Kaylum and another from K following good pressing from K and Sam. Sam got the 3rd  and we were on top only to be undone with a simple pass from our back went to them and a tame shot went through Iwan's hands in goal. 3-2 half time. Second half they scored again from dead ball.. glanced off one of our heads and put away by the back post. Early on 2 great saves 1 on 1 from Dylan.. first taking one in the face and second diving at forwards feet. Lessons Definitely helping there Andy H. We went 4-3 up after Kaylum barged  2 players out of the way and ref let play go on.. to then score. Zayn and Jess influential midfield and back 4 doing well too.. only time we left 1 man back we were undone and we did hang on a bit defending 3 corners in the last minute. A lot of heart and good play.. a few wrong decisions.. a cracking header by Morgan from our always dangerous corners. Bit harsh on the 2 boys to get a yellow but otherwise a good game from both sides and a treat to play in the sun after yesterday.

Under 16s partly made up for last weeks defeat by winning 10-0 away at Altrincham juniors leopards. At half time it was still tight at 2-0 with goals from Samuel and Nicquille but in the second half, we had the wind and the slope in our favour and scored 8 more without reply. 3 more for Nicquille and 3 for Daniel meant hat tricks for both strikers and the midfield chipped in with three more from Oli, Sion and Samuel. A great way to bounce back from the first defeat of the season last weekend. West U16s now sit second with 5 games played.