Introducing: Mike West

Introducing: Mike West

Introducing: Mike West

10 Jun 2022

Introducing: Mike West


Before last Saturday’s match, we met with the aptly named Mike West to talk about his new role as Club Chaplain. Mike is somebody that many at West Didsbury & Chorlton will already know well. Over the past two years he has become a regular at West home and away matches and it’s clear that the football club has fully got its claws into him, “I’ve been around football for a long time, both as a player and a supporter and I can tell you for certain that West Didsbury and Chorlton are unlike any other club I’ve been part of. We’ve got something special here.” he says

This season, Mike has taken up the role of Club Chaplain and he’s keen to get started, “I already know a lot of people at the club and I want to get to know even more. People will know me from being around the ground on Men’s First Team match days but I’m eager to be available for anyone involved in any of the teams at West - whether it’s the Men’s section; the Women’s section or the Juniors. This includes players, supporters, coaches and anyone else involved in the club. Basically, I want to be a recognisable face that can help people if something comes up.”

“With the greatest respect to my faith, I’m not here to start solving people’s spiritual problems.” Mike laughs, “I’m not here to convert anybody or talk about religion unless people want me to do that, my role is a pastoral one and is aimed at being an approachable person who will listen and help people when needed. I want to help keep West as a safe environment where everybody is welcome. I’d like to see myself as somebody who can help build relationships around the club and be a voice between all the different people involved at West Didsbury and Chorlton.” 

“I hope that anybody who knows me will agree that I’m an accessible person who has time for everyone at the club whether you’re a supporter, a player, a coach or a committee member. If you want a chat, come and find me or give me a call.”

Mike is available to talk to on matchdays or by calling: 07976965999