Introducing: Ben Wharton

Introducing: Ben Wharton

Introducing: Ben Wharton

10 Jun 2024

We’re delighted to announce that Ben Wharton has joined West.

The 33 year old striker will be a player-coach and can’t wait to get started, “This is the most excited for a season I’ve been in my football career. I’ve played against West a number of times and the atmosphere is always amazing, with the fans non-stop singing. I think this season they’ll have even more to sing about! I’ve been very good mates with Paul and Ste for many years so it was an opportunity that was too good to turn down. I’m excited to come on board as part of the coaching team and I will still be very much involved as a player. As a coach I’ll be helping the strikers as well as helping Paul and Ste with the recruitment. It’s very exciting and pre-season hasn’t even started yet.“

Ben includes Radcliffe, Warrington, Curzon Ashton, Bury and Avro as his former clubs.

Paul Marshall told us, “Anyone who knows about non-league will know Ben is a prolific goal scorer with numerous promotions on his record, scoring 20-30 goals a season. Ben was unlucky last year missing part of the season due to injury. He’s feeling good and ready to play a massive role for us this season on and off the pitch. Ben will help take the forwards for individual training sessions at times but he is very much focusing on being a player and he is hungry to have another season to remember. I’ve played with Ben in the past so I know exactly what he brings to the team.”

Welcome to West, Ben!