Chris on Bury Vase tie: ‘We’ll be there to spoil the party’

Chris on Bury Vase tie: ‘We’ll be there to spoil the party’

Chris on Bury Vase tie: ‘We’ll be there to spoil the party’

18 Aug 2020

Chris on Bury Vase tie: ‘We’ll be there to spoil the party’

One date everyone at the club has been looking forward to over the last month is the FA Vase tie against the NWCFL’s newest side, Bury AFC, on Saturday 19th September.

Bury AFC’s story needs no introduction, and while we won’t be competing in the same league as each other this upcoming season, the fact West will play host to the club’s first ever competitive game is something all West fans can get excited about.

Sadly, Brookburn won’t be at capacity for the fixture due to the FA COVID-19 guidance, something manager Chris Rowley immediately focused on when asked about the upcoming fixture.

He told us: “It’d be unbelievable if we were able to have maximum capacity and all the fans here enjoying the game. It could have been a real money spinner for the club – it would be a full house and probably the biggest crowd we’ve had here. But it is what it is and we’ve got to work with it.”

Chris recognises the occasion for Bury and their fans, and is pleased to be able to play in a part in it. But be under no illusion: “We’ll be there to spoil the party”, he says.

He added: “It’s going to be their first competitive game. I said to the lads there’s going to be media here and the spotlight is going to be massively be on them. In a way that takes the pressure of us; I know we’re the home team and you never want to say the pressure isn’t on the home team, but their first game, in the Vase… massive pressure on them. We’ll be there to spoil the party.”