Can you design a Pitch Board?

Can you design a Pitch Board?

Can you design a Pitch Board?

15 Jul 2020

Can you design a Pitch Board?

West Didsbury and Chorlton Football Club have today launched a competition to design a pitch advertising board dedicated to the NHS and Carers.

We will be placing pitch boards on each side of the pitch in time for the start of the new football season as tribute to the NHS and Carers for their outstanding work.  We thought it would be great if two of the pitch boards could be designed by our younger fans as we have seen some fantastic posters being displayed around our community on windows, doors, trees and benches. We propose to select one design from the under 12 age groups and one from the 13 - 18 age groups.
The completion will close at 12 pm on 15 June 2020  Deadline has been extended! 12pm 15th July 2020
The winning entries will be published on our website and social media before being fixed to the perimeter fence of our main pitch.

A few points to consider for your design

When produced the pitch boards are 2240mm x 810mm landscape format so they are long but not very high! Your design needs to be in these proportions, but don't worry about the precise measurements! another tip…to be seen across the pitch the designs need to be quite bold. There is no restriction on colour.

How to enter

please submit your design as a jpeg, png or pdf attached to an e-mail to the club sponsorship e-mail address to arrive before the closing date:
We look forward to seeing the creativity of you all.