Beer Tokens: 3 for £10 on Krombacher, launching vs Irlam

Beer Tokens: 3 for £10 on Krombacher, launching vs Irlam

Beer Tokens: 3 for £10 on Krombacher, launching vs Irlam

7 Nov 2019

Beer Tokens: 3 for £10 on Krombacher, launching vs Irlam

As previously announced, this season will see the price of Krombacher rise to £3.50 per bottle. To counteract this - and to try help congestion in the clubhouse - we will be launching a system where those who arrive up to 15 minutes before kick-off will be able to buy 3 beer tokens for £10, each of which will be able to be swapped for a Krombacher in the bar throughout the game.

Available to purchase from a concession table just by the gate, payments will be card-only and as many tokens as are needed can be purchased (as long as they are in multiples of 3). These will roll over throughout the season, so any left-over tokens can be saved until the next home fixture. To claim your Krombacher, simply hand your token in at the bar (or beer shed).

Beer tokens will be available for the first time tomorrow for the visit of Irlam, and will be on sale throughout the season - and will only be available to purchase before kick off, from the concession table. They will not be available from the clubhouse.

You can listen to a chat with co-Chair Rob McKay about why our prices have been increased, and what the beer token system aims to achieve, here.

Other price changes to alcohol in the clubhouse coming into effect for the visit of Irlam and beyond are:

Ciders - £3.50
Wainwright - £3.50
Burton Road cans - £4