Barca Jim to walk from Wigan to Fleetwood for charity

Barca Jim to walk from Wigan to Fleetwood for charity

11 May 2013

Barca Jim to walk from Wigan to Fleetwood for charity

West fan and occasional interviewer of players for our YouTube channel Jim Burke - better known to most as Barca Jim - will unfortunately be missing this weekend's fixture against 1874 Northwich, but not without good reason. This Friday, Jim and a bunch of others will be starting a walk from Wigan to Fleetwood which will culminate in watching the two sides play on Saturday afternoon, all in aid of the charity Joseph's Goal. The adventure will take around 12 hours of walking, and see the troupe traipse over almost 40 miles. If you'd like to make a donation, you could do so at this link - any contributions would be hugely appreciated:

More on the walk:

From Barca Jim

Rarely does much time pass before I mention I used to live in Barcelona, however for the last four years Manchester is where I have called home. One of the reasons I have settled here is that through Twitter I have built a circle of pals. A number of them are, of course bellends and many of those that are tend to follow Wigan, step forward Jimmy, Chris, Alan, Ian, Neil and of course the maniac that is Caddy .
I have been a guest on, and listen to, the Mudhutters Podcast and the most recent mentioned a date in April when some of these headcases intend to walk from Wigan to Fleetwood in aid of Joseph's Goal.
I took some time to read up about this and the story is both tragic yet utterly life affirming. He is an incredible wee boy with an incredible support system around him but it is a condition for which, at the moment , there is no cure.

I'm happy to give up a couple of days, which will be an absolute hoot incidentally and would humbly ask you, if you can, to throw a couple of quid the way of Joseph's Goal.

These are good people dealing with an unimaginable situation and they are worthy of support

Thank you so very very much

From the event organisers

On Friday, April 20, an army of Latics fans, staff and VIPs will be walking to our away game at Fleetwood to raise funds and awareness for Joseph’s Goal.
After making an overnight stop approximately two-thirds of the way there, the group will complete the walk on the Saturday morning, April 21, arriving at the Highbury Stadium in plenty of time to hopefully see Latics take another huge step towards the League One title!
Joseph Kendrick suffers from an incredibly rare genetic disoder called NKH (Non-Ketotic Hyperglycinemia).
His parents were told at birth that Joseph wouldn’t survive for more than a few days, but the little man is a fighter and turns nine in May!
Joseph and around 500 children like him around the world continue to live with this life-limiting condition - which causes regular seizures and affects development - and funds are much-needed to fund critical research into finding a better treatment and eventually a cure.
Latics fans will of course need no reminder of the fact Joseph was the club’s lucky mascot for the FA Cup Final on May 11, 2013, and he will be pushed over the finishing line by FA Cup-winning captain Emmerson Boyce!