Announcing: Target 50 – Clubhouse Redevelopment Challenge – West Didsbury & Chorlton AFC

Announcing: Target 50 – Clubhouse Redevelopment Challenge

As a club, WEST are proud to be a part of our local community – something that the sports grounds at Brookburn Road have been helping to support for over 100 years. As current custodians, we’ve been able to support food banksfundraise for local charities, and act as a focal point for our local area, as well as being one of the best-supported clubs at our level in the country.

With your support, we want to take our club to the next level, making it more available, accessible and attractive for all. Over the course of 18 months, we’re aiming to raise £50,000, all of which will go on redeveloping our ground and making it for all of those who use it: an expanded clubhouse, improved parking, turnstiles, and much more besides. The resultant work will result in an improved experience for fans on matchday, and the creation of a facility for use by all Chorltonites.

You can see a rendering of how the clubhouse could look post-development below through our gallery: this includes the extension of the clubhouse, movement of the Rob Turley stand, improved dug-outs, better perimeter fencing, and more.

We hope that this fund will be raised both their the support of our attendees on a matchday, and through local business – you can find out more on how to get involved either through our dedicated Target 50 page here, or make a donation through our IndieGoGo page here. We’ll be announcing our business packages within the next few days – but in the meantime, if you are a business and would like to get involved, email and a member of our team will get back to you.

Committee member Matthew Durrant said: “Target 50 is perhaps the most exciting and ambitious project that the club has launched in the 5 or so years that I have been involved. Over that time period, many things have changed, and the level of support in particular is unrecognisable compared even to two seasons ago. Now is the time to improve our infrastructure and ensure the club continues to grow, and so we can better serve both our supporters on a matchday, and the community at large

An improved clubhouse will be able to offer a space for community groups, as well as a function room for family events – and better facilities will, of course, help our matchday operations and fan experience. This is an 18 month project, and one where your time and efforts as supporters could be just as valuable as monetary donations. We’ll be running fundraisers over the course of the next season and a bit, and we’d be more than happy to hear from anyone who has their own ideas and could implement their own events”

If you have any questions or suggestions, please fill out the contact form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.